Create an Account

There are four ways to create an account with MaxMind. You can:

  1. request a free trial of one of our web services,
  2. sign up for GeoLite,
  3. place an order for web services or GeoIP databases,
  4. or sign up for an account with no obligation to purchase or use our products.

Once your request is processed, we’ll send you an email with login information.

Request a free trial of minFraud and/or GeoIP web services

Use your company or organization email address to request a free $5 service credit trial of our GeoIP, minFraud web services, or both. You can also learn more about GeoIP web services and minFraud web services.


Sign up for free GeoLite databases and web services

You can sign up for GeoLite on our main website.

If you receive an error that you’re using a disposable email or a VPN/Proxy, this means that we detected an anonymizer of some kind. In most cases, the issue is with the IP address you are using rather than the email address.

To resolve this error, be sure to disable any VPNs or proxy connections (this can also include IPv6 tunnels). If you still receive the error after doing so, please contact us, and we will investigate further.

Place an order

Complete a purchase through our site’s checkout with payment by credit card or PayPal. You can learn more about our GeoIP products and services, or our minFraud services on our Knowledge Base, or if you're ready to make a purchase you can go directly to the appropriate product page on our main website:

For offline purchases by invoice, please contact our sales team at We can accept ACH, wire transfers, and checks drawn on US funds payable to MaxMind, Inc. for invoices.

Sign up for an account with no obligation to purchase or use our products

You can sign up for a free MaxMind account on our main website.

Signing up for a free MaxMind account will not give you access to GeoLite or require signing our product End User License Agreements (EULAs). A MaxMind account will allow you to submit data corrections with a verified email address, bypassing the additional verification required for correction submissions without a MaxMind account.

This page was last updated on .

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