Whether you can sell data under the Online End User License Agreement depends on the product or service you are using. This article gives some guidance about how data from the minFraud Web Services can be used under the Online End User License Agreement. You can also learn about how you can use data from GeoIP Databases and GeoIP Web Services under the Online End User License Agreement.
You can use data from the minFraud Services for what we call “Internal Restricted Business Purposes.” Learn more about Internal Restricted Business Purposes.
In addition to Internal Restricted Business Purposes, you can use queries from the minFraud services to develop applications for your customers and users. You can, for example:
- develop fraud detection and prevention applications that query the minFraud service on behalf of your customers and users
- as long as you identify queries for individual customers and users by using the ShopID input of the minFraud service,
- and as long as you hold your customers and users to the terms of the Online End User License Agreement
- if you develop an application that provides fraud detection and prevention services on behalf of your customers, you may display risk scores to those customers
- as long as those customers aren’t the individuals who were conducting the transaction itself
- for example, you cannot display risk scores to a customer who was trying to purchase a product, but you can display risk scores to the merchant who was selling the product
While you can resell or display data from a minFraud Web Service query to your customers or users as part of a fraud detection or prevention solution you offer to them, you cannot use the minFraud Services to attempt to create a database or repository of IP or risk data except as a record of previously conducted transactions for analysis and review.
If you aren’t sure whether your use case falls within the restrictions of the Online End User License Agreement, you should read it in full on our main website. You can also email us at sales@maxmind.com with a detailed description of your use case if you want additional guidance about whether your use case is permitted under the Online End User License Agreement or if you need special licensing terms.
If you need to use data from a minFraud Service for purposes that are not allowed under the Online End User License Agreement, you can reach out to our business team.
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