If you would like to include data from MaxMind’s GeoLite2 databases in a product or service you provide to your users or customers, you will need a Commercial Redistribution License for GeoLite2.
The Commercial Redistribution License for GeoLite2 allows you to distribute an unlimited number of copies of the GeoLite2 databases to your customers and users as part of a single reseller product. This means that for every product you sell that incorporates the GeoLite2 database, you must purchase an additional Commercial Redistribution License.
The Commercial Redistribution License for GeoLite2 comes with a number of restrictions, including:
- You must hold all customers or users of a product that includes a GeoLite2 database to a EULA which restricts their use of the database to what we call “Internal Restricted Business Purposes.” Learn more about Internal Restricted Business Purposes.
- You must not allow, and may not encourage, customers or users of a product that includes a GeoLite2 database to use that data to attempt to identify or locate a specific household, individual, or street address. Learn more about the restrictions on IP geolocation.
There are additional restrictions in the Commercial Redistribution License for GeoLite2. If you would like to make sure that your use case is permitted, you should read the Commercial Redistribution License for GeoLite2 in full on our main website. You can also email us at sales@maxmind.com with a detailed description of your use case if you want additional guidance about whether your use case is covered under the Commercial Redistribution License for GeoLite2.
You can purchase the Commercial Redistribution License for GeoLite2 on our main website.
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