Who is Covered by the Online End User License Agreement

Most of MaxMind’s customers are governed by our Online End User License Agreement, which you must agree to before creating an account and purchasing a database or web service credit. The content on our support center is meant to give some general guidance about this license, but if you have specific questions about what you can and cannot do with MaxMind’s products and services, you should consult the full license agreement. You can read the full Online End User License Agreement on our main website. You can also email us at sales@maxmind.com with a detailed description of your use case if you want additional guidance about whether your use case is permitted under the Online End User License Agreement or if you need special licensing terms.

The Online End User License Agreement does not apply to the use of MaxMind’s GeoLite Databases, which are governed by the GeoLite2 End User License Agreement or the GeoLite2 Redistribution License. Learn more about the GeoLite2 End User License Agreement or the GeoLite2 Redistribution License.

If you executed a custom contract or other offline agreement with MaxMind to use the GeoIP Databases, GeoLite Databases, the minFraud Service or GeoIP Web Services, you should consult your contract or agreement for the specific terms and conditions of your agreement with MaxMind. If you are not sure whether you are governed by the Online End User License Agreement, you can reach out to our support team for help.

MaxMind’s Online End User License Agreement defines what you can and cannot do with data from our products and services. This varies depending on which products or services you are using. Learn more about how you can sell or display data from our GeoIP Databases, GeoIP Web Services, or minFraud Services.

The Online End User License Agreement also sets our requirements for the deletion of old data, and specific restrictions on how you can use MaxMind’s products for IP geolocation. You can learn more about keeping your data up to date, and the restrictions on IP geolocation.

This page was last updated on .

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