minFraud Web Services
Transaction Risk API
Transaction risk API providing risk scoring and risk data for fraud prevention based on IP, email, credit card, and more.
Introduction to the minFraud Service
Learn about the features of the minFraud services, and how the minFraud network powers risk scoring.
Integration and Testing
Learn how to test minFraud services, and integrate them using an API or plugin.
Risk Scoring
Understand how the risk score, IP risk score, and risk subscores are generated, and how to calibrate your response to them.
Risk Data
Learn about the kinds of risk data that are available to help you assess fraud.
Transaction Inputs
Learn about the different transaction data that the minFraud service can accept, and how those inputs effect risk scoring and risk data returned by the service.
Submit and Review Transactions
Use the account portal to submit minFraud transactions, and search, filter, and review previously submitted transactions.
Custom Rules and Dispositions
Set up custom rules and inputs, and use these custom rules to set a disposition of "accept," "reject," or "review" for your transactions.