Account and Purchasing
Managing Your MaxMind Services
Manage and secure your multi-user account, set up payment and subscription plans, and understand our product and service licenses.
Manage my Account
Create an account, update your account information, or close your account.
Secure my Account
Set or reset a password, set up two-factor authentication, and review your account activity.
Manage my License Keys
Generate and use license keys to authenticate your integration.
Purchases, Subscriptions, and Refunds
Purchase product subscriptions and service credit, and learn about discounts, refunds, receipts, and invoices.
Sandbox Environment
Learn how to get access to the MaxMind Sandbox environment, and how to use it for testing.
Affiliate Program
Learn about MaxMind's Affiliate program for developers and platforms, where MaxMind partners can earn a 10% commission on qualified purchases.
Online End User License Agreement
Understand the online EULA, which covers most of our customers.
Commercial Licenses
Get licenses to use GeoIP databases for commercial use cases or redistribute GeoLite2 data.
GeoLite2 End User License Agreement
Understand the GeoLite2 EULA, which covers GeoLite2 users.