The overall risk score, usually just referred to as "the risk score," is minFraud's most actionable output. It is returned by all minFraud services.
The risk score is given as a percentage ranging from 0.01 to 99. For example, a risk score of 20.00 means that the transaction has a 20% chance of being fraudulent, while a risk score of 0.10 means that the transaction has a 0.1% chance of being fraudulent. Learn how to assess whether a risk score should be considered high or low.
The risk score represents the overall likelihood that a given transaction is fraudulent based on all of the transaction data passed to the minFraud service. In general, the more inputs you can pass to minFraud, the more accurately we can calculate the risk score. Learn more about passing inputs.
The risk score is built using a combination of machine learning models and human review of fraud patterns from across the minFraud Network.
Some of the features that go into the risk score are:
- Reputation of IP addresses, email addresses, shipping addresses, phone numbers and devices. Learn more about reputation tracking on the minFraud Network.
- Velocity analysis specific to your business and across the minFraud Network. Learn more about velocity tracking.
- IP address analysis including proxy detection and geolocation checks.
- Fraud/not fraud reports. Learn more about reporting transactions.
If you receive a high risk score for a transaction, it means that our machine learning models or fraud pattern heuristics found some combination of inputs you’ve sent us to be indicative of high risk. The signal may be coming from the minFraud Network at large, or something specific to the transactions you’ve been sending through your account. Some of the additional outputs we return in the response may signal what is elevating the risk score.
If you are a minFraud Score user and you are passing IP addresses to the service, you can consult the IP risk score to see how much risk is associated with the IP address of the transaction. Learn more about the IP risk score.
minFraud Insights and minFraud Factors return risk data, which will show you whether the email address has a negative reputation across the minFraud network, or whether there are large distances between IP, billing, and shipping addresses, for example. There are many different risk data outputs that can be used to determine why the risk score might be higher. Learn more about risk data.
minFraud Factors also return the risk score reasons that change the risk score significantly for a given transaction. Learn more about risk score reasons.
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